Cell wall of Bacteria Main Points only and Functions of cell wall shortly

The cell wall of bacteria: The cell wall is the one of the most important parts of a prokaryotic cell for serval reasons, Most bacteria have strong cell walls that give them shape and protect them from osmotic lysis. The cell wall can protect a cell …

The function of Flagella

The function of Flagella: Bacterial cell benefits from flagella in the following way,      They can migrate toward environments favorable for growth and away from those that might be harmful. They can increase the concentration of nutrient or decre…

Bacterial Flagella, Arrangement, ultra structure, Chemical composition, Synthesis, movement, Full notes

Full notes in Flagella Bacterial Flagella: Flagella image from  Flagella were first observed by  Anton van Leeuwenhoek. The majority of motile bacteria move by the use of flagella. Flagella are 20 – 15 um long. Flagella are so thin th…

Function of Endoplasmic Reticulum , S.E.R., R.E.R. Granular, Agranular

Common Function of Granular & Agranular Endoplasmic Reticulum: 1.  The E.R. provide an ultrastructural skeletal framework to the cell and gives mechanical support to the colloidal cytoplasm matrix. 2.  The exchange of the molecule by the process …

Function of Mitochondria,main points, Mitochondria

Mitochondria The function of Mitochondria: Some main points are given below. 1.  The Mitochondria perform the most important function such as Oxidation, Dehydrogenation, Oxidative phosphorylation and the respiratory chain of the cell. 2.  Their stru…


Mitochondria : Mitochondria are found in filamentous or granular shape and occurs in all aerobic cell of higher animals and plants and also in certain microorganisms such as Protozoa, Algae, Fungi. These are absent in bacterial cells. Mitoc…

Endoplasmic Reticulum College notes

Endoplasmic Reticulum: Endoplasmic Reticulum Ø The  cytoplasmic matrix is traversed by a complex network of inter-connecting membrane-bound vacuoles or cavities. These vacuoles or cavities often remaining concentrated in the endoplasmic portion of the …